Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 2 - Road Trip 2014

We miss Daddy!!!  
Day 2 and one of us has to say this out loud about every 5 min.  Thank the Lord for facetime, texting and just plain ole phone calls!

We walked out of our hotel in West Monroe this morning and all 3 of my kids said, "What is that smell???"  HAHA!!  All I could say ... that is just Louisiana!!   I really wish I had a picture of Kenedy's little face last night when I ran her bath water and she walked out of the bathroom and said Mommy it is yellow!!!!  Again, I had to laugh - out loud!!! :)

Today, we made a trip to see Si but he must have taken the day off because we could not find him anywhere! We loved seeing where all of the fun memories on TV are made and scored a few souvenirs.

We took in some history in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  We toured the Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum.  This is the first place that Coca-Cola was bottled.  Had ourselves a coke float while we were there.  Then, we made our way to the Vicksburg National Military Park.  We got to see a small civil war reenactment and they shot off a cannon on what is called no mans land.  This is the actual spot between Union & Confederate territory during the war.  It was VERY cool!  The USS Cairo is in the park and just left us with out words.  What an amazing part of our history.  We left Vicksburg and headed to Jackson where we saw Medger Evers home.  I had talked to my kids about who he was and what had happened to him.  When we read the historical marker in front of his house we were all just sad.  What a terrible time in our history.  

I could see in my kids faces today that civil war and civil rights are not easy things to understand.  

We are bedded down for the night in one of my favorite towns...Oxford, Mississippi!  We had a couple of hours of swimming and ate way too much for dinner at Ajax!!  I have 3 little people sawing logs...I am going to join them!  Night Night!

Road Trip Song of Day......I like Texas by Pat Green.

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